
Showing posts from May, 2019

People's of Israel Blog Post #2 - Why do some Israelis feel that even though they are citizens, the Israeli government does not respect their community, or the dominant Ashkenazic Jewish Israeli society does not regard them as “authentic Israelis”?

              Even today, issues of authentic “Jewish-ness” are posed to Hiloni and Masorti in Israel from those of more religious Jewish groups like the Hareidi and Datl. Because these more secular or traditional groups do not strictly eat kosher, observe the sabbath, or dress modestly most orthodox or ultra-orthodox do not truly consider these less religious Jews to be legitimate. Similarly, these prejudices and perceptions are placed on and against Ethiopian Jews in Israel. They are often based on racial discrimination more so than religious discrimination, like secular Jews in Israel. Arriving in Ethiopia around the 12 th century. Jews in these parts relied on oral traditions and prayers rather than written traditions. When emigrating to Israel since the 20 th century and especially in the famous exiles via airplanes in 1991, Ethiopians have slowly began assimilating and learning ­­­Israeli traditions that developed after losing contact with Israel.             Ethiopians like