
People's of Israel Blog Post #2 - Why do some Israelis feel that even though they are citizens, the Israeli government does not respect their community, or the dominant Ashkenazic Jewish Israeli society does not regard them as “authentic Israelis”?

              Even today, issues of authentic “Jewish-ness” are posed to Hiloni and Masorti in Israel from those of more religious Jewish groups like the Hareidi and Datl. Because these more secular or traditional groups do not strictly eat kosher, observe the sabbath, or dress modestly most orthodox or ultra-orthodox do not truly consider these less religious Jews to be legitimate. Similarly, these prejudices and perceptions are placed on and against Ethiopian Jews in Israel. They are often based on racial discrimination more so than religious discrimination, like secular Jews in Israel. Arriving in Ethiopia around the 12 th century. Jews in these parts relied on oral traditions and prayers rather than written traditions. When emigrating to Israel since the 20 th century and especially in the famous exiles via airplanes in 1991, Ethiopians have slowly began assimilating and learning ­­­Israeli traditions that developed after losing contact with Israel.             Ethiopians like

Peoples of Israel Blog Post #1 - Do all Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs hate each other, and does each group hope that the other would utterly depart from the State of Israel?

            As of 2013, the Israeli population is composed of approximately 75% Israeli Jews whileIsraeli Arabs consist of about 21% of the population, and 4% as “other.”   As the million-dollar question of what to do about Israel and Palestinians comes up in any conversation, it is nearly always assumed that Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs are mortal enemies. Their religious and ideological differences are too strong, and their politics too polarizing, and their historical hostilities towards one another run too deep to work together on issues, nonetheless become friends. All Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs do not hate each other. It would be impossible to state that all group of x category hates everyone from y category, and vice versa. The Israelis: Ordinary People in An Extraordinary Land by: Donna Rosenthal  In cities like Haifa exist an island of sanity from the hatred of politics and moral questions surrounding the peoples of Israel. In The Israelis: Ordinarypeople in

Current Events Blog Post #3 - Hamas and Potential Ceasefire

Ismail Haniyeh of the Palestinian Authority speaking with Egypt. The Jerusalem Post published “ Hamas: Wereceived timeline for ceasefire with Israel ” which discussed the potential plan to create a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli government within the Gaza Strip. Currently, the Gaza government is headed by Ismail Haniyeh, the Prime Minister of Palestinian Authority, referred to as the Hamas administration. Haniyeh, who has ruled Gaza for a total of ten years (not consecutive) spoke of their demands to reporters and Egypt who relayed the information to Israel. The demands include an exchange of prisoners, the removal of signal jamming devices in Israeli prisons, the removal of sanctions for Palestinian prisoners following a stabbing, the expansion of fishing zones, and the reopening of crossings on the Israel/Gaza border among other things. The United Nations Middle East are also aware of the restrictions prisoners are facing since they discussed the result of the stabbing

Current Events Blog Post #2 - Gaza and Trump

Screen cap of U.S. President Donald J. Trump's tweet from March 21, 2019. On March 22th, 2019 published “ Trump's Golan Recognition Will Cause Bloodshed, Top Palestinian Negotiator Warns .” This article written by Jack Khoury , discussed U.S. President Donald Trump’s statement publicly announcing and recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. The Palestinian Liberation Organization, Druze leaders in the Golan, The Egyptian Foreign Ministry, the Islamic Jihad, Fatah leaders, United Arab List-Balad, chairman of the Hadash-Ta’al party, MK Ayman Odeh, Al-Marsad from the Arab Center for Human Rights, the GCC secretary general, Abdul Latif Al Zayani all denounced, disapproved, or disagreed with Trump’s recognition. Specifically, the article highlighted, Druze leaders who firmly believe that Trumps statement is simply an attempt at serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu political party and popularity but will essentially be ineffective in altering any

Current Events Blog Post #1 - The Western Wall

On March 5th, The Times of Israel published the article “ Blue and White Platform includes backing for Western Wall pluralisticplaza ,” written by Raoul Wootliff . Wootliff is a political correspondent who focuses on political and social news about Israel. This article discusses the new political party, Blue and White which supports the proposal to establish changes in the management of Western Wall in Jerusalem (non-Orthodox Jews, likely representatives from liberal Jews and government representatives), ensures the equal division of men and women in the plaza, and construct a third plaza for the diverse Jewish and Israeli public in Jerusalem, the pluralistic plaza. Currently, the Western Wall and surrounding area is managed by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, that implements Orthodox practices like the separation of men and women during prayer. The current association is approved and supported by current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Similarly, most of his supporters are ult

Introduction - First Post

Hello This is my first post for Spring 2019. I am excited to continue working on this blog discussing modern history for Israel and its people. Read more about some current Israeli news from the Jerusalem Post.  Here is modern Israel